Primary 3/4's Brilliant Blog!

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‘Be a HERO for Children in Need!’

Look what we are doing for Children in Need!


children in need

This year’s Children in Need theme is ‘heroes’ and we have a fun-filled day planned for the children at Crown. All children will have the opportunity to work with different teachers during the day on hero themed activities.

 We are asking everyone to bring in £1 on the day and for that the children can dress up following the ‘heroes’ theme. They might want to be a superhero or alternatively may want to dress up as someone who is a hero to them. There will also be a disco in the afternoon for everyone, so children should come ready to show off their ‘moves’!

In addition to this we are asking for any donations of baking (no nuts please!) so that we can have a Bake Sale during break-time. Please bring any baking in and hand to your child’s class teacher on Friday 14th November. Baking will be priced between 20p and £1 so if your child would…

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